He loved growing up there and that is home for him but he is not opposed to move away

He loved growing up there and that is home for him but he is not opposed to move away

He loves his family and they are all there but he doesn’t see much opportunity for himself there

They are a real nice young family. During dinner we got our Transfer Calls. Dun, Dun, Dun. President Lewis asked to speak to Elder Jones and I together so he could break the news to us so Bro. Thomas let us go into his 12 year old daughters room. It was a unique transfer call. For one there were David Archuleta, Demi Levato, and Selena Gomez posters everywhere. Then President Lewis said that he regretted to inform us that the Lord wanted us to stay together here for another transfer! So a year of my mission will be spent in two areas! I am super super excited! We are stoked to stay together. We both get along so well and we are doing some great work together.

So that was exciting. This is by far my favorite area. I have been praying everyday asking to stay here. The Lord answered!

So Elder Jones was born and raised in a little town called Roanoke Rapids North Carolina. It has a population of like 5000. His dad is a Lawyer. His parents are probably late to mid-40’s He is the second oldest of Six kids. He has an older sister who is 23 and not married. He has a younger sister who is 17 and a senior in high school. He has another younger sister who is like 14. His little brother is 10 and his baby sister who is soo cute is 5. They all sing very very well and they all play the guitar. I have seen a few videos of them and it’s great. I might love his little sister so he can’t marry Hayley. He hasn’t showed any interest in her so idk. He is a great guy though. I am considering going to Utah for school just so we can hang out. That is where he plans on going. He loves Taylor Swift and so does his family. So we get along pretty well with that. He enjoys long walks on the beach, Horseback riding, and finger painting. Just kidding. I made the last three things up. Well, that’s it. So I want to do a Christmas card again but I don’t know if I’ll have the money for them and stamps. If I do it I won’t send it to 100 people again. Probably only like 30 . So maybe you can help me with that. I really don’t want much for Christmas. I just want to baptize a lot of people this year. Well things are still awesome. We are still striving to be as obedient as possible. I have discovered heaven in a bottle recently. It is Afrin Nasal Spray. It works wonders in my congested sinuses. I still take Benadryl every day but this helps me have a clear nasal passage way all day. So things are great. Some of the missionaries are making our hair turn gray cuz they aren’t being obedient and we are finding out about it so we have to crack down on things. Well I hope everyone is having a good holiday season. We are having a fine time listening to Holiday favorites and classics. I can’t wait till the day I can eat a Krazy Sub! Well I love you all. Have a nice week.Love, Elder Tyler Pete Arnett


So this email might not get sent cuz the computer is jacked so I’ll send this real quickLove, Elder Tyler Pete Arnett

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